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Euro toilet key

What is a Euro key?

The Eurokey is a locking system introduced in 1986 by the CBF Darmstadt – Club for Disabled People and their Friends in Darmstadt and the Surrounding Area – and now used beyond the country’s borders. It enables physically impaired people to independently access disabled-accessible sanitary facilities using a standard key.

and facilities, e.g. at participating motorway and train station toilets as well as at public toilets in pedestrian zones, museums or government offices.

Where in Werne are there wheelchair accessible toilets that can be accessed with a Euro key?

Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 2, Werne City Mall *
Mon-Sat 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
At the Saline Griesetorn, Werne
Mon-Sun 7:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
At the Griesetorn parking lot, Werne
Mon.-Sun. 7:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Am Bahnhof 9 Radstation, Werne
Mon.-Fri. 4:40-23:50

There are plans to introduce the Eurosystem. Currently, it is only permitted for Hosselmann customers.*

What requirements do you need to get a Euro key?

The key is only given to people who require access to disabled toilets.

The German severely disabled person’s ID card is considered as entitlement if:

  • the mark aG, B, H or BL,

  • or the symbol G and a GdB of 70 or higher.

As soon as the severely disabled person's ID card or other proof of eligibility is available or has been sent with the order, we will send you the invoice for advance payment.

The following are still eligible for benefits:

  • severely or exceptionally mobility-impaired people,

  • wheelchair users,

  • ostomates,

  • blind people,

  • Severely disabled people who are in need of assistance and may require an assistant,

  • people suffering from multiple sclerosis,

  • people suffering from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as

  • People with chronic bladder or bowel diseases.


A medical certificate is always considered sufficient if a disability cannot be proven in any other way. This applies in particular to people from countries that do not have a comparable identification system. In such cases, the European parking card for severely disabled people can also be used as proof.

Where do I apply for the Eurokey?

CBF Darmstadt eV
Pallaswiesenstr. 123a
64293 Darmstadt

Telephone: (0 61 51) 8 12 20


Where can builders: Plants with the
Euro key (Euro-Key)?

Building owners who want to equip disabled toilets and other facilities with the Euro key (Euro-Key) can obtain the locking cylinder systems from the following companies:

The Euroschlüssel eK
Amselweg 4-6
D-53332 Bornheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)2227 / 1721

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